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Team Dynamic

Our team is mentored by our knowledgable advisors who provide us meaningful advice and insight into the world of STEM. We are all passionate high school students determined to not only inspire others, but to also make an impact in our world. 

The team is divided into Five Divisions, each holding different responsibilities:


Mechanical ✕ Electrical ✕ Programming ✕ Business âœ• Media


Jeffrey Lin 

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I very much enjoy the comradery that we've been able to develop on this team. The experiences and relationships we have cultivated is absolutely phenomenal.
I coordinate all activities of our solar car team. This includes things such as the acquisition of sponsors, managing our inventory, and directing repairs on our old car. Additionally, I am directing the design and fabrication of our new car.

Team Captains

Lawrence Zeng 

My favorite part of solar car is the hands-on work we do, and the camaraderie between our teammates.
In my years on the team, I’ve had the fantastic experience of installing new electrical systems like our solar array, and leading our team to our phenomenal accomplishments.

Jake Li 

Solar Car has solidified my strive for engineering and given me valuable experience that imagined I could receive in high school.
I am the team's current Electrical Lead which means I have had the pleasure of tracing our wires and developing a schematic (lots of fun). I also developed and researched for a new telemetry system that will be made soon. Working on new car design right now.

Cesar Velez (2022)

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The ability to learn about engineering with hands-on experiences.
I have helped teach younger members of the team about the cat and I have been a driver during our latest a race. I am also currently managing the Business team to acquire sponsors.

Arshmeet Sodhi (2023)

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My favorite part is working on the mechanical part. The solar car has taught me a lot about teamwork, team leading and about the ins and outs of working on an advanced piece of machinery that is the solar car.
I work on all parts of the car, wherever help is needed. Whether that is mechanical or electrical, there is always something to. I will also be contributing and being a part of the design team for the new car.

Adena Roth (2023)

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My favorite part is the people of the team. It feels like a family away from home and I get to be around a lot of amazing people.
I contribute in aspects consisting of media management, social media, video presentation, scrapbook, kickstarting the sponsor packet, and business team.

Michael Bittner (2023)

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My favorite part of solar car is the learning experience and overall experience it can give a kid who just entered High School. I feel that solar car has made a big impact on my life by not only giving me an opportunity to learn but giving me the chance to grow as not only a person but a leader.
I contribute by consistently giving my time, effort, and setting out to do whatever I was asked to do by my team captains.

Heidi Tam (2024)

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My favorite parts of the solar car team are working alongside a dedicated group of high school students and advisers, who I now consider friends & even family, and collaborating to create a functioning solar car from square one. Throughout the processes of planning to the actual building and completing of the car, I have learned tremendous amounts of knowledge on the various aspects of producing a vehicle and the importance of communication/reliance on the team. Being a part of the solar car team has also sparked my interest in pursuing engineering in my future.
I have contributed to the team by remaining flexible and lending a helping hand at all times. However, as I gain more experience, I hope to take on a more proactive role on the team.

Tina Cheung (2024)

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Some parts of being on the solar car team that I personally have enjoyed the most would be the hands on experience you get when working with the car as well as the relationships made with the people on your team. Being on the team allows you to see first hand what goes into building such an advanced solar car, of which is truly inspiring.
While in Texas, I would help with the aux batteries as well as being a flagger.  Since Texas, I have also helped with the business aspect of the Solar Car Team, sending emails as well as helping promote in order to aid us in sponsorships.

Mandy Chen (2024)

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Solar car has strongly impacted me and my mindset. I walked in knowing very little about mechanics and hands on work, much less how a car even functions. I'm grateful that solar car has been able to introduce me to this new realm. I'm excited to learn more in the following years alongside the team.
My roles were aux batteries, quartermaster, and flagger. As a part of the team, I collaborated with the other members to assure tasks regarding the solar car were accomplished.

Karis Ka (2024)

My favorite part of the team was being able to experience the competition in Texas, as well as test driving the car around the school and at Gateway Park. Being part of the team has introduced me to many new people and has drawn me out of my comfort zone.
I was a Safety Officer and Flagger in Texas. I also helped with trailering and drawing schematics for the car's auxiliary system.

Sean Lublinsky (2024)

My favorite parts of the team is the chance to network with people from all over the country that I would have never otherwise met, as well as build deeper connections with my peers from Staten Island is incomparable to anything I have ever done before. Additionally, working on the solar car team has allowed me to learn various skills that will help me in future, ranging from proper use of power tools to public speaking.
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